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Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , on February 10, 2009 by sizzlemaker

As we mentioned last month, we’ve been hard at work on a sister site.

Since then you may have noticed a significant decrease in Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill and 90210 news, something that used to be featured pretty heavily here.

That’s because all that content can now be found on!

TeenDramaWhore is your one-stop-shop for all your teen drama needs.  What’s going to happen on Gossip Girl?  Is The O.C. still on TV anywhere?  And how does the new 90210 compare to the original?  You don’t have to go to different sites for each of your favorite shows.  Everything from news, spoilers, polls and original content can be found on this awesome new site.

Check it out and spread the word!